Los Angeles Workshop 2016

2016-05-12_0012.jpgI love hosting photography workshops. There is a sense of community , its fun, creative, I get to share everything that has helped me build my business and we also leave with GORGEOUS content!I will be announcing the date of my next workshop in the next few weeks!All links at bottom of post2016-05-12_0008.jpg2016-05-12_0009.jpg2016-05-12_0011.jpg2016-05-12_0014.jpg2016-05-12_0010.jpg2016-05-12_0013.jpg2016-05-12_0007.jpg2016-05-12_0002.jpg2016-05-12_0017.jpg2016-05-12_0001.jpg2016-05-12_0005.jpg2016-05-12_0016.jpg2016-05-12_0006.jpg2016-05-12_0004.jpg2016-05-12_0003.jpg2016-05-12_0020.jpg2016-05-12_0015.jpg2016-05-12_0018.jpg2016-05-12_0019.jpghttps://youtu.be/SZeReg_DlFwVenue | Moutain Mermaid InStyling| Vino and Vows Dress| Galia Lahav Video | Joe Kim Studio MUA | Jocelyn RivardInvitaions | Swell press paperFlorals | Modern Bouquet  


Fitness from the Inside out!


BTS from my lifestyle shoot with Devon Rachel