Fitness from the Inside out!

I'm on day 24 of my "Miracle Morning 30 day challenge"
Have you read the book by The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod? I recommend it. For me, it was an awesome reminder of not just to meditate and to have a dream board and say affirmations but to do it every morning. If you are not a morning person the book gives you so many tips on how to change that. Oh, I think it's just great for someone like my sister who has 2 kids and a job. Her mornings are so rushed and it sets the tone for the day.
Ps, I call my dream board a Reality board & Every morning I follow a 10 minute guided meditation from youtube. I actually did a youtube video about it here. I'm not focused enough yet to meditate on my own:)
Happy #FitnessFriday yall! Fit from the inside out~
Stay Inspired!

LA Rooftop Love Session


Los Angeles Workshop 2016