5 Foods That Fight Belly Fat
Are you killing yourself doing tons of sit-ups, crunches, leg lift and plank holds trying to get a smaller waist line or better defined abs but you're are not really seeing much of a difference. Well, let me share with you one helpful piece of advice that a trainer once shared with me and that is the best thing you can do to get tighter abs is have a GOOD DIET. Yup, responsible eating habits are the key to getting the most out of your workout and being able to see the results you want that much quicker and on a daily basis. Aside from looking better in your bikini, it's more important to lose that unwanted belly fat because stomach fat has been linked to high cholesterol, inflammation, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.So here are a handful of yummy foods that you can easily add to your daily diet that will help you speed up the process of shedding that unwanted layer body fat around your belly button.Avocados are called a super food because they contribute unsaturated “good” fats, and good fats can help the body absorb fat-soluble nutrients Vitamins A, D, K, and E. Healthy avocados contain 6 g of naturally good fat per serving – one-third of a medium avocado. Good fats help the body absorb fat-soluble nutrients without raising LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels when eaten as part of a healthy diet. Can you say Wholey guacamole !
Almonds, like avocados provide GOOD FATS and nutrients which help absorb the bad fat. They also reduce risks of heart attack, lower cholesterol. nourish the nervous system, build strong bones and teeth.
Yogurt is a probiotic that puts "good" bacteria back in the gut, which provide benefits by adjusting the microflora (the natural balance of organisms) in the intestines, or by acting directly on body functions, such as digestion and the immune function. (Keep in mind that the only yogurts that contain probiotics are those that say "live and active cultures" on the label.) The health benefits of yogurt are so impressive that many health-conscious people make it a daily habit. Make your smoothies creamier or customize your yogurt with cereal and fruit, which can be a double whammy in fighting belly fat.Blueberries - All berries are good for you but blueberries are the best. They affect the way the body stores and breaks down sugar. They are also antioxidants and help speed up the metabolism process allowing you to burn calories faster.
Apple Cider Vinegar can help you lose weight. The acetic acid suppresses your appetite, increases your metabolism, and reduces water retention. Scientists theorize that apple cider vinegar interferes with the body's digestion of starch, which means fewer calories enter the bloodstream. But if you are pregnant or breast feeding or are diabetic you might want to avoid the intake of such an acidic beverage as it known to lower blood sugars.
Here are a few fun ways of combining these belly fat reducing foods along with some others. Greek Yogurt + Raspberries +Almonds or Green Tea Lemon and Cinnamon or Apples, Peanut Butter and Cinnamon or Green Tea, Lemon and Mint or Oatmeal, Blueberries and Cinnamon, Eggs, Avocado and Spinach
I shot these images with my Canon 5d Mark IV with the 50mm 1.2. Head over to the shop to get your download of the Lightroom preset used to edit these photos!Stay inspired,Jana