Summer Glow Smoothie
With summer right around the corner all I’ve been day dreaming about is lying by the pool, having a laugh with some of my favorite girl friends, wearing big floppy hats, and sipping on delicious frosty fruity smoothies. Well I’m not sure when I’ll be able to kick it by the pool but as far as my besties and the smoothies go, we can have that part of the fantasy any ol’ time! Here is an amazing recipe for yummy fruit smoothie that is not only delicious but also can bring out your sunshine from within. All of the ingredients are super healthy for your skin and and can really give your that sun kissed glow from the inside out.
Ingredients1 cup of organic grapes1 cup frozen strawberries 1 tablespoon raw cacao nibs (or you can use cacao or cocoa powder)1 Banana1 Carrot1 tablespoon raw cacao nibs (or you can use cacao or cocoa powder)1 tbsp Chia Seeds1 cup Coconut or Almond Milk (or you can use coconut water or plain water)4-5 ice cubes
This smoothie is packed with Vitamin C, antioxidants, plant-based protein, zinc, copper, magnesium, probiotics.Vitamin C helps the body create collagen and rejuvenates aged skin, helping you look younger!Strawberries - Eat a handful of strawberries or simple mash it to make a paste and add yogurt and honey. Apply it on your face and in 15 minutes get glowing skin. Strawberry can also be added to your smoothie.Carrot- Carrot is high in beta carotene which is converted by the body to vitamin A. This makes it a must-eat vegetable in your daily diet. Not only will it give your skin a glow, it will also fight wrinkles and improve your skin, making it healthy.Grapes - Good blood purifiers. It cleanses the blood and averts the skin from getting dry and dull. Skin wrinkles, especially those appearing beneath the eyes can also be dealt with by applying grape juice on them. So you could say when you eat grapes it’s like drinking from the fountain of youth!Bananas - the carbohydrates and fatty acids present in bananas are nutritious for your skin and moisturize the cells internally.Chia Seeds- Chia seeds are rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids that erase blemishes, soften wrinkles, and help keep the skin hydrated and supple.Dark Chocolate- The flavanols in chocolate act as antioxidants, provide sun protection, and reduce the roughness of skin for healthier appearance and feel.
I hope you and your gal pals enjoy this recipe as much as I do! To see more of my healthy eats and fitness workouts, check out previous posts here on the blog! Stay inspired,Jana