Photo Tip Tuesday: Before and After
Happy Photo Tip Tuesday y'all! Last week I gave three examples of the preparation part of a wedding day with settings and editing tips you can see that post here. Today I am showing 3 examples of the middle section of a wedding day. In the above image my bride and groom are walking down the aisle. Very important to make sure your shutter is 125 or above for any walking shots to ensure they are not blurry.Setting Mark 111 iso 250 5omm 2.8 1/200 For editing I dropped this image in lightroom to delete the arm in the corner and the man's face. I also straightened this image. I applied Jana Williams Preset and brought my shadows up , my temp to 5500 and I brought the tint of magenta up +5.
Group shots can be super hard when you have a large bridal party. My motto is Quality over quantity. This location was a bit of a walk for the bridal party but it was the middle of the day and I needed shadow and I needed a natural reflector so that I did not get a green cast over the photo. While walking to the location I explain to the bridal party that I will get them finished asap and I appreciate them being team players. As you can see the dirt in front of the group plays as my reflector and the beautiful trees in the background filter the sun.Settings Mark 111 iso 160 35mm 2.8 1/320 I was able to be at 2.8 b/c everyone is on the same plane. I edited this image in Lightroom. First I applied Jana Williams Preset then I brought my exposure up 1/2 stop, temp to 5500, highlights down, shadows up, and I added contrast to the photo to make the flowers pop against the dresses.
When taking family photos I try to not miss the moments in between. We had just finished a big group shot and I saw my bride having a beautiful moment with her niece. These moments are like gold to me and its very easy to miss when you are directing family to line up. However try your best to always be aware of what is happening.Setting mark 111 iso 400 50 mm 1.4 1/1000 These setting probably look a little silly but moments happen fast. My iso was to high and it washed out my subjects but I love the moment so much. In editing I applied Jana Williams Preset took highlights down, exposure down 1/2 stop, shadows up slightly, set my temp to 5500 and pushed my vibrance to warm up the skin tones a little more.Next Tuesday I will be showing before and after from reception photos!Hope you stop by!Stay Inspired!Jana