My husband is my best buddy

I was hanging with the girls the other day and the subject about qualities in a husband ( that are must haves) came up.  I found myself going through all my "must haves" and one really spoke the loudest and strongest and it was that your hubby has to be your best buddy.  It took sometime for us to get there. When we first meet I remember trying to be so cool and calm but I also remember the first time something really excited me and made me "freak out" and all the sudden I had shown my dorky total girly OMG self to him and to my surprise he slowly started to reveal his dorky side (which I am not allowed to discuss)SO there ya have it to peas in a pod!Stay Inspire !JanaPhotos by Erich Mcvey


Little love notes and tips on this gorgeous Thursday with Jana Williams Photography


Be excited about Life and Life will be excited about you!