Shutterly Holiday Cards
Growing up my family never sent out Holiday cards, not one. I thought only the "normal" families sent Holiday cards. I remember looking at all the cards my Grandmaw received and wanting to crawl into that perfect family in the photo just for a day.As I became an adult that idea remained. Year after year I receive the most beautiful holiday cards and told myself "Next year when your life is more together you can send out a Holiday Card too"
Guess what, I just sent out my 2016 Happy New Year Holiday cards! Guess what else, my life is not more normal or more put together than it was last year.
What am I saying?
I'm saying that there is no "normal" Even the families with the perfect holiday cards don't have perfect lives. Life is messy and beautiful for all of us. And dang it if you want to send out a holiday card you should!
I will always cherish this first-holiday card, it's a little all over the place but its us and it's full of the people I love.
Thank you, Shutterfly for making this task that once seemed impossible to me so easy.
I did not intend for this post to get deep but it's just real. I'm curious how you feel about Holiday cards I would love to hear.
Stay Inspired!Jana