This is why I haven't been posting Fitness Fridays

2017-01-19_0001.jpgYou may have noticed that I have not been posting Fitness Fridays and here is the reason…..My soul sister and muse Chriselle Lim sat down with me and told me how much she loved the message I was sending out on my fitness Friday’s and wanted to share what I was saying with her readers. Then she encouraged me to go even deeper with my content. We had a heart to heart about how beauty starts from the inside out & We have been brainstorming and creating post that we hope you are going to love!2017-01-19_0003.jpgI have been by Chriselle's side for years photographing everything from the blog post, her wedding, and Chloe's birth. We have traveled the world together and Chriselle like a sister to me.She has seen me at my worst and seen me at my best and she has witnessed first hand how I live my life.2017-01-19_0008.jpg( Me Holding Chloe the day she was born… I love this pic)As you know Photography is my full-time career but it's only one of my passions. I am also very passionate about living the most Healthy inspired life I can.I am so honored that Chriselle asked me to be the "Wellness" contributor for The Chriselle Factor. She could have easily reached out to a professional health coach but she asked me.I am a woman just like you. I have a very demanding full-time career, I am a wife, a stepmom, a sister, an aunt, and a daughter. I wake up and juggle all of the life's task every day just like you. I believe we have a choice to wake up every day expecting amazing things to come our way.I believe that our health starts from the inside out.2017-01-19_0006.jpg2017-01-19_0005.jpg2017-01-19_0007.jpgMy contribution to The Chriselle Factor will be resources, videos, and tips to reshape your mind, body, & spirit to inspire you to be the best version of yourself.I love this community and I am honored and excited to connect with you ! I would love to hear and suggestions you guys have for future Wellness post any thoughts and ideas you have are greatly appreciated!Stay Inspired!JanaWatch my latest Youtube video here A Personal look back at 2016


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