Get the best Wedding planning tips from the best in the industry
So proud of my friend and colleague Jeanie Savage from Details Details Event planning. I can personally say that she has given me so much valuable business advice and I know I would not be in the same place if it were not for her. When she told about her online courses I knew I wanted to spread the word.. Here is the deal in a nutshell
The program will launch in May but you can sign up for early starting today for a discounted rate.There's 10 videos from 10 instructors for Wedding Planners’ Gathering. Jeanie's is a Behind the Scenes 45 mins Video with Details Details sharing Top 20 wedding day Tips. Click the unique LINK to sign up for a discounted rate of $249 (Regular price is $349)I think this is an awesome opportunity for Planners, brides, or anyone who want to become more familiar with the wedding industry in general:)Stay Inspired y'all!Jana