Friends Forever
This is a photo of me and my best friend Jae. We have known each other since we lived in NYC 10 years ago. Jae has witnessed me pursue my acting career, she introduced me to my husband and she watched as I first picked up a camera and am now making my dreams of being a photographer a reality. She is always encouraging me to celebrate myself and understands if I fall short on being the best friend I can be. I think I appreciate that most.This past year has been a year of enormous growth in my business. I am blown away by how my work has been received. These accomplishments have come through blood, sweat , and tears. There have been times when I was "too busy" to hang or talk or have girl time with my friends. But there is one person always standing there with an understanding expression on her beautiful face and a soothing tone in her voice. When she says she "understands" she really means it! Thank you Jae for being you.This photo means so much to me because we will always have this moment and so many precious one's in the future.Jae is being fabulous living & working in NYC for the summer but guess who will be here on my birthday this Sunday? You guessed it! She will.Cheers to friends forever!