Follow the light

This Christmas holiday has been full of travel and precious time spent with family.  I've even managed to take a little time away from my work.  Being removed from my usual routine of shooting and editing has made me appreciate my job even more.  I am beyond blessed to be able to shoot people's love story for a living.I love "Ted talks" and I was listening to a talk about owning a business and this one question stuck in my head.  The speaker said "It's not what you do, its why you do it".   I have been digging deep lately and asking myself why I do what I do and what it is that I love most about it.  The answer that comes to me is that I LOVE showing people how beautiful they are.  These days everyone sees themselves in iPhone snap shots or through other quick digital camera phone picts but when I put a lovely woman and her handsome fella in a beautiful setting and in the best light possible, I feel like I am blessed to be able to capture the essence of their love and it's even more fulfilling to show them how totally beautiful they really are.I named this blog post "Follow the Light"  because on this particular day we were loosing the light so fast and there was a lot of traffic on the PCH.  I started to panic but then I reminded myself to just say a prayer and follow the light.  When we finally got to the beach we only had about 11 minutes to shoot until the sun went down but that is all we needed.  This was the most beautiful sunset that I have ever shot.Stay Inspired!Love JanaCalifornia_family_and_photographer_Jana_williams-3 copy California_family_and_photographer_Jana_williams-6 copy


Recipe for the picture perfect kitchen
