Fitness Friday A secret Ingredients is in this Green juice!

2016-11-03_0006.jpgHappy fitness Friday! I have been reading the book 5 pounds. It basically gives us 5 tools to do everyday to loose 5 pounds. Great for those last 5 or the first 5 and if you need to loose more the book says to continue. I just picked it up and the book is over 300 pages so I have not finished it yet. Once I do I will do a Full review. I discovered the book from ,,,, Oh my goodness I don't even want to say it but Kim Kardashian. I saw her in person at Paris fashion week and was blown away how great she looked. I am not a follower of hers or a fan but I had to know who her trainer was. Turns out it's The author of this book.So the one things I found super interesting is that he suggest starting the day of with smoothies and here is the kicker add Metamucil.So here are the ingredients for the smoothies I have been drinking plus a scoop of Metamucil.I am off to Miami not to shoot a wedding. I will have time on the plane to read more and I will 100 percent be sharing!Ingredients1 cup frozen Wild Blueberries½ cup low-fat plain Greek yogurt½ avocado½ cup packed spinach1 tablespoon lime juice (from one lime)2 teaspoons lime zest (from one lime)2 teaspoons lemon zest (from one lemon)2 tablespoons basil (approximately 7 leaves)2 ice cubes1 cup unsweetened coconut milk beverage


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