Fitness Friday Mind over Matter "Just Do It"

Fitness friday-how to get a flat stoamche-how to get great abbs-food that help flatten your tummy-i want a flat tummy-foods to eat to releive bloat-jana williams-janafromalabama-fitness blogger-health nutrition-healthy living-toned tummy, crop topshop, herum workout pants,5 tips on how to get a flat tummy fast!Happy Friday Fitness y'all!! I have been loving doing these post because it's the little things that I think is silly to share that people are telling me have motivated them the most.  It's so interesting how we are all really so connected and so similar and have the same struggles.  If we could read each others thoughts we would probably never feel alone and isolated.Anyway what I want to share today is so simple yet so effective .  Personally I believe our thoughts  and our words are so powerful. There are times I do not want to workout, or work, or put action toward a goal that I have.  There are also times when I'm scared , fear gets in my way and I start to talk myself out of doing something that I want to do.  For instance my first paid photography job, I was scared and did not want to accept it , I thought I would fail so I didn't even want to try.  Those are the times when I say to myself "JUST DO IT" -Nike .Ya'll I know it a freaking Nike slogan and its kinda cheesy but seriously it is simple not complicated and it pushes me that extra inch.  So today I am encouraging you to "Just Do It" whatever it is, going to that yoga class after work, booking that flight to Paris, trying to cook your husbands favorite meal, or putting a stop to negative thinking.  "Just Do It"Stay Inspired!Jana


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