FItness Friday 5 tips to stay motivated to workout
Hey ya'll happy Fitness Firday! Real quick before I list the tips I finally have a newsletter :) sign up here to be the first to receive big news like workshops and fitness tips. My first email has a quick video on how to look your best in a photo. Its a good one.So back to 5 tips on staying motivated to workout. ( My first Fitness Youtube video here )#1. Plan your workoutsAre you a morning person or a night person? Personally I am a morning person. I know that I have to sign up for my class or plan exactly what tome I am gonna head to the gym in the MORNING or chances of mw working out are slim.#2. Positive ThinkingWhat are you thinking about when you workout? Chances are if you are thinking about how much you hate it then your not gonna wann jump out of bed the morning and do it. Control your thinking push eject to those negative thoughts and have an attitude of gratitude for your body and everything it does for you. Even if you start by just focusing on your breathe.#3 Update your workout attireLook cute when you workout. I know this sounds a little silly but try it. But a little more effort into what you wear to workout and I bet it will help keep you a little more excited about getting up and going to the gym.
#4 Workout with friendsNext time your friend calls and ask you to happy hour suggest you do a jog on the beach first or instead or candle light yoga and then some yummy hot tea or a sunrise rise hike and take some beautiful photos of each other so you can remember the day. Encourage your friends to do activities with you. I love TIU so if I don't have a friend to workout with I turn on Youtube and workout with K&K#5 Mix up your workoutsI have been doing Barry's Bootcamp for that initial kick my butt into shape mode. Lately I have been incorporating yoga, cardio barre , and swimming into my routine. I thinkn mixing it up is not only good for your body but good for your mind. Barry's is about building muscle while yoga is more about stretching those muscle's out. I love this combo. Swimming is all around awesome but dang it I hate getting my hair wet!I want to thank you guys for supporting me on this Fitness Friday journy. It makes me want to keep it up and share what is working for me with you. You all inspire me more than you know. Mucho love!Stay Inspired!JanaPhotos by Leslie Alejandro