If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change - wayne Dyer
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change -Dr. Wayne Dyer.This is one of my favorite quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer. It's such an awesome reminder that we create our reality. If we choose to see the world around us in a negative manner we will receive negativity. If we choose to see the world in a positive manner we will receive only good.Good comes in all shapes and sizes. Good isn’ always wrapped up in a pretty bow. But knowing the God and the universe has our back we can rest assure that anything coming our way is for our better good.I love this quote by Rumi as well “ Act as if Life is rigged in your favor” YES I will thank you very much!I have said this so many times and I will say it again right now. Personally, this is a practice .I do not naturally wake up every morning thinking that life is rigged in my favor or that only good is coming to me But with the tools, I practice on a daily basis, I am able for the most part to be a positive pleasant human. I can throw a fit and be a stinker and moody for sure but most times those emotions pass and I sink back into an attitude of gratitude.Y’all I am obsessed with Opera and I did this headstand on Opera’s land in Hawaii! I was in Opera’s vortex! Part of me felt like it's hot , I shot a wedding yesterday, I need to make sure I catch my flight. Then another part of me , a better part of me said just try . Try to do this headstand and see what happens. Not gonna lie I freaking LOVE this picture and will show it to my grandkids one day! On the plane back home I wrote myself a letter. I told myself to never forget to be untamed, wild, curious, and like we are talking about today look at the scene from all angles. It's just so much prettier that way.Stay Inspired!Jana