4 Tips on Building an Email List
Listen here y'all, building an email list is one of the strongest moves an owner can do for their business.
If you’re looking to develop your business, maintain a strong customer base and get more customers a thriving email marketing list will be a helpful part of the equation.
I can personally say that these tips have helped me create an email list that is growing over 11k!
Check out my top 4 tips below.

1. Mobile-FriendlyAs a business owner, it’s always important to remain current with the times. Currently, more people are accessing their emails through mobile devices than desktops. Knowing this, it’s best to consider your mobile audience and make them your top priority. Though this should be standard, mobile-friendly emails aren’t the norm for every business to send out. Make sure it’s formatted well for the mobile user. It’s also important to make sure your website has an opt-in button for easy access to the email list.
2. Regular ContactIf you think that sending an email once a month is going to cut it, think again! So much happens in the span of one week. Don’t let a week go by without being in regular contact with your followers. When people sign up, they should immediately receive a welcome email that tells them more about what they should expect from you regarding correspondence. If there’s anything to prioritize, regular and consistent communication is one of them.
3. Collaborations & Guest AppearancesThere’s a blog, website, and podcast for every niche imaginable. Make a list of podcasts you’d like to appear. Make a list of websites you’d like to do a guest post for. Once you’ve created the list, pitch each connection. Make sure that their audience could greatly benefit from what you have to offer. This is a great way to get your name and the business in front of new audiences.
4. Funnels & Landing PagesWhen you do guest appearances on podcasts and other blogs, always redirect the users to a landing page. Make sure the landing page has a memorable URL so that your potential followers can find you. It’s important to use funnels because they’ll direct your followers to offers you have available. This is one of those methods that will allow you to make money in your sleep.
The more people you have on your list that are responsive, the more money you’ll generate in your business. Be consistent with these tips and don’t be afraid to tweak and customize your strategies!
If y'all enjoyed this blog post make sure to check out my blog post and video on How to Market your Instagram Profile!
Until next time, stay inspired! -Jana