3 fun facts about woody allen, Jessie Eisenberg, & Daytime Dance parties!
I love flying. I think it's because I am pretty much forced to chill. So I usually read. There have been so many times when I got really inspired while flying and came up with some great ideas. Today I wrote down three things I learned and wanted to look into more on my airplane napkin. As I am in bed tucked away in a cabin in Colorado I thought man if I don't write 0 those three things up now it's probably not gonna happen I have an insane week ahead. SO I thought I would not only look them up but I would share them with you. So just in case your interested as well okay #1 Did you know that Woody Allen writes short stories? I had no idea.I knew he played the clarinet but he has a collection of short stories ok cool I wanna read here is a link to some of his short stories. #2 There is apparently this new trend called "Daybreak" happening in big cities like LA, NYC, Tokyo, Here is the deal. You get your nightlife on but during the day. For instance in DTLA recently there was a dance party that started before work. So people meet up at a location and just let it out just dance thier butts off before they went to work. Other Daybreak events have been over 300 people meet on a boot before work and sing "Let it BE" Or a 200 person hug in the middle of the city all of this before you start you workday. Read more about Daybreak Here and the website is here . #3 Actor Jessie Eisenberg, you know the awesome actor from Social Network, also writes short stories and his most recent collection sounds genius read more about it here . Well this is awesome I get to come back to this post in a few days and really dive into my research with these short stories. One of my goal is to write a children's book full of stories that teach life lessons in an easy to understand playful way. So this is all good research for me.I hope you found something interesting too! Oh I am taking the most beautiful drive tomorrow and will be snap chatting the heck out of it if there is wifi of course Janawphoto. See you through the lens tomorrow!Good night!Stay Inspired!Jana