5 healthy snack choices for on the go!
Hey y'all! Happy Fitness Friday. The year is in full swing and I have found myself in a few sticky situations when I was starving on my way to a shoot and had nothing healthy with me to eat. So I have stocking up! I try to not eat anything that is in a package but Kind bars I think are the best choice for the little snack that is not affected by the weather and can just hide in your bag. Here is a list of 5 snacks I have stalked up on...
- KIND bars are made with good quality ingredients, are gluten free and low in sugar.
- Fruit like bananas or apples are great options when you’re in a rush but want to grab something healthy.
- Nuts, especially almonds or walnuts are high in protein and good fats like omega 3s
- Veggie packs with or without dip are high in fiber which helps keep you feeling full longer
- Yogurt is great for you, loaded with vitamins!
Stay Inspired!Jana